Sign trends for 2021

January 06, 2021
Sign trends for 2021

As we get to say goodbye to all that 2020 was, we look forward to what the new year will bring. Part of what the new year brings is new signage trends that will send a positive message about your business. No matter if it is interior signage or outside commercial business signs, your business wants to make sure that all of its visual elements are up-to-date and on trend with the norm. 

Here are the biggest trends we expect to see in the 2021 sign world: 

1. More minimalistic

The phrase, “less is more,” is making a big comeback in 2021. With the rollercoaster that was 2020 firmly behind us, people are looking forward to more relaxed and minimalistic advertising approaches. With constant screen exposure and many people seeing a ton of different advertisements daily, more minimalistic designs will stand out and actually stick in a consumer's brain. More cluttered logos and designs may get lost in the crowd, but simple and meaningful designs will stick. 

2. Sustainable practices

Another big trend that we expect to see in 2021 is more customers interested in companies’ sustainability policies. There has been a growing concern in environmentalism and green issues with many people trying to do all they can do to reduce greenhouse emissions and limit plastic use. People want to use companies that are eco-friendly and having new commercial business signs made with recyclable products can be a great way to showcase and signal your sustainability efforts. 

3. A focus on wayfinding and safety 

Thanks to COVID-19, a trend that will continue into the new year is the increase of wayfinding signs for companies. Wayfinding signs help people to know where they are, where to go, show off new safety measures and can also help enforce new policies and regulations. Wayfinding signs help to eliminate stress for your customers and make them feel more comfortable within your workplace. 

4. Innovation

Last year was the year for adapting to new challenges, this year is the year for innovating new solutions. If you are looking for new commercial business signs to spruce up the new year, you are going to want to focus on innovation and do things that have not been done before. Use new materials, go bold with new colors or utilize your signage to tell a brand new story about your company. Another innovative technique you can use is to use vinyl lettering for the interior of your business to keep customers talking about your unique brand. 

5. A move towards digital

Digital electronic messaging centers are another big trend headed towards the new year. Digital signs allow you to change your messaging at a moment's notice and can be easily personalized. They are a low cost and efficient way to get multiple messages across for your business. This can be especially useful when communicating changing hours and protocols as we continue to navigate the new normal. 

Connect with us 

Contact us for all of your commercial business signs needs! We can help you create a beautiful sign that is on trend for the new year! 
